Legal aspects


This is the official website of FIMAP SPA, a company of the COMAC SPA group, with its registered office at 37059 - Santa Maria di Zevio – VR Via Invalidi del Lavoro, 1.
FIMAP SPA permits users to access and use its website under the terms and conditions indicated below, which are binding for all those who wholly or partially visit the site itself.
All those who visit the site are therefore requested to carefully read these conditions before viewing the contents.
It is understood that any access to the contents of this site involves implicit confirmation that the user has read and fully accepted these conditions, along with the information regarding the protection of privacy and copyright given at the foot of the home page of the site FIMAP SPA reserves the right to modify the conditions of access and use of the site at any time.

Using the site.
The user must use this website in compliance with current regulations, principles of commercial correctness and the behavioural rules of the computer sector, avoiding in particular - without any restrictive intent - actions aimed at hindering or preventing access to the site by third parties or at compromising (even temporarily) its regular functioning, or at modifying, damaging, or destroying computerised systems, computerised networks, hardware, software, data banks, websites or other computerised tools belonging to FIMAP SPA or to third parties. The user is authorised to access this site with the sole aim of acquiring the information made available by FIMAP SPA within the site itself, as any attempt by the user to access other areas of the computerised system belonging to FIMAP SPA or third parties is expressly forbidden.

Links to other websites.
This site contains (or may contain in the future) links to the websites of third parties, including other companies of the COMAC SPA group. By activating these links, the user exits the FIMAP SPA site and accesses entirely separate sites over which FIMAP SPA has no control, and for which it declines any responsibility, as the links are contained in this site purely for the benefit of the user, with no implied approval or guarantee of their contents by FIMAP SPA.

Risks related to the use of the site
In view of the open nature of the web, and the limits of the web control technology, FIMAP SPA can make no guarantee (explicit, implicit, legal or conventional) regarding the functioning of this site, the continuity and regularity of the functions and services in the site (including any software components that the user may download), the absence of viruses or other detrimental elements, etc. FIMAP SPA also possesses the right to modify the content and format of the site at its own discretion, or to suspend use without any forewarning. The user therefore accesses and uses this site at his own risk, and FIMAP SPA is expressly excluded from any responsibility for direct, indirect, accidental or consequential damage that may be caused to the user or third parties as a result of the access, use, functioning or lack of functioning of this site, of its single pages, of the files, programs or other material contained therein, or of other websites accessed via a hypertext link, including - without any restrictive intent - damage relating to the interruption or slow-down of the activity, the loss of data or programs, or other damage caused to the computerised system of the user or of third parties.

Value of the information and guarantee exclusion.
The sole function of the information contained in, or obtainable from, this website is that of providing the user with a general indication of the organisation, business and products of FIMAP SPA; the company may correct or modify such information at any time, without highlighting the variations in any way. FIMAP SPA undertakes to do its utmost to ensure the information is updated, correct and clear, but such information cannot be considered binding, thorough and free of errors or inaccuracies. The user must carry out the necessary checks, but it is understood that FIMAP SPA MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLICIT GUARANTEE WITH REGARDS THIS INFORMATION, AND ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ACCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE THAT THE USER OR A THIRD PARTY MAY SUFFER AS A RESULT OF TRUSTING TO ITS RELIABILITY AND COMPLETENESS. The above applies in particular - without any restrictive intent - to information concerning the products of FIMAP SPA and contained in, or obtainable from, this website; such information can under no circumstances be intended as a public offer, contract proposal or, in any case, assume any significance in a contractual or pre-contractual context. In particular, the exclusion - without any restrictive intent - of any explicit or implicit guarantee regarding the availability, compliance, characteristics, performance, safety, marketability or suitability for use of the products illustrated, described or mentioned in this website remains valid. Any product-related indication must therefore be verified with the FIMAP SPA dealers, and will only become binding if specifically agreed in the individual purchase contract.

Applicable law and jurisdiction.
These conditions and all other communications contained in this website, including those relating to privacy and copyright, are regulated by Italian law. Any controversy regarding the interpretation and/or application of these conditions, or anyway relating to the setting up, management, access or use of this website, is (excepting as indicated below) subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Italian courts. In partial exception of the above, FIMAP SPA reserves the right to present the breach of these conditions before any other competent court.